Christian Discovery The Road To Justice

Christian Discovery The Road To Justice

Language : English | Author : James J. DiGiacomo, S. J. & John J. Walsh, M. M.

INR 55.00

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Book Name : Christian Discovery The Road To Justice
Weight (In gms) : 300
Book Ref Number : ISBN 18-86507-17-5
Number of Pages : 226
Language : English


Many approach Christian life as an imposition “from above” but the authors approach it as a process of discovering that the self’s deepest aspiration find fulfillment in the teaching and spirit of Jesus of Nazareth. In a warm, concrete, and understandable style, they show that ordinary life is full of occasions when we can experience the truth that hearts are made to rest in God. And in this book we discover new ways for living fruitfully in our families, our careers, and our public life, working for justice.

Developed by : DoBIG