God's Pruning Hand

God's Pruning Hand

Language : English | Author : Dominic Mathews

INR 40.00

USD 0.90


Book Name : God's Pruning Hand
Weight (In gms) : 65
Book Ref Number : ISBN: 81-89851-41-1
Number of Pages : 44
Language : English


Pruning is surely a painful process for the vine, but a necessary one. Suffering is something painful. A realization that it is part of the pruning process to make our lives more fruitful will help us see suffering in a new light. Dominic Mathews in his booklet, God’s Pruning Hand, tries to make us understand better God’s pruning work in us. While explaining the pruning process, the author offers us a host of beautiful reflections on a variety of disparate topics: the significance of Baptism, what it means to be ‘pure in heart’, forgiveness, the relationship between love and fear etc. These reflections are meant to help us ‘abide in Jesus’.

Developed by : DoBIG