He is Alive

He is Alive

Language : English | Author : B. Joseph Francis

INR 75.00

USD 1.70


Book Name : He is Alive
Weight (In gms) : 85
Book Ref Number : ISBN: 978-81-89851-93-4
Number of Pages : 36
Language : English


After teaching in the Seminary for many years an absorbing topic such as Christology i.e., study about Jesus Christ, and after having written a guide book on the same topic for the facility of Theology students, in my ignorance I thought that it is good enough to be understood by any ordinary Christian lay person. After coming back to active pastoral work as a parish priest in India, I realized that even the guide book was too complicated for the simple people. So I said to myself whatever insights in Christology I had acquired through meditation and the sheer experience of teaching critical student-community who did not spare me any question, these insights should not die with me. Let more people profit by it if indeed it profits them! So I set out to write a popular book on Christology. One can, however, never succeed in writing the perfect book on Christology simply because Jesus Christ is plain and simple and yet he remains an unfathomable mystery, one would always discover more and more about him. He is inexhaustible and that is what any believer would think in love and faith... and now let me get in and I invite the reader to contemplate Jesus with me. Some of the material found herein could be found in the St. Peter’s Guide book series number 1 composed by me in the year 2000.

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