Prayers of Power--|||

Prayers of Power--|||

Language : English | Author : none

INR 125.00

USD 2.80

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Book Name : Prayers of Power--|||
Weight (In gms) : 200
Book Ref Number : ISBN 81-87804-47-4
Number of Pages : 312
Language : English


This edition is a collection of novenas, litanies, devotions and prayers of the Saints. We have tried to include all the material requested or already published, as well as the more traditional devotions of our Apostolic Roman Catholic Church. Prayer can change everything because it moves the hand of God in favor of the one who prays with faith. “And if you have faith, everything you ask for in prayer you will receive” (Mt. 21,22) Praying always with the heart, that is with a lot of faith, trust and love, we go on immersing in God who, in the person of Jesus, envelops us with his loving presence. By means of the prayers contained in this book, we will be, therefore, consoled, healed, saved and set free through the power of the name of Jesus and His love. “Come to me all you who labor and are overburdened, and I will give you rest” (Mt. 11,28)

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