Religions, Ecology and Environment

Religions, Ecology and Environment

Language : English | Author : Vincent Sekhar, S.J.

INR 150.00

USD 3.35


Book Name : Religions, Ecology and Environment
Weight (In gms) : 270
Book Ref Number : ISBN: 81-89851-69-1
Number of Pages : 200
Language : English


The present work titled “Religions, Ecology, and Environment” is helpful to those who believe that their religion has relevance in moulding human minds and hearts regarding the question of our habitat, the living and the non-living. As Prof. Sullivan points out, we cannot ignore religion because religion explores the “essential wellsprings of human motivation and concern that shape the world as we know it. No understanding of the environment is adequate without a grasp of the religious life that constitutes the human societies which saturate the natural environment.

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